Do you want to know how to check the Nrega Mis Report 2024? In this article, we have covered a step-by-step guide to the Nrega Mis Report for the year 2024. The Nrega Mis Report is a comprehensive record that provides insights into the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) across various states and districts in India. Center also revise MGnrega wages for financial year 2024-25 that can affect latest MIS report.
In this era of digitalization, accessing important reports and data has become easier than ever. By following our simple instructions, you will be able to check the Nrega Mis Report 2024 effortlessly. Let’s start the process of checking the Nrega Mis Report for the year 2024!
How to Check Nrega MIS Report?
Step 1
Firstly, go to the official website of the NREGA scheme, (सबसे पहले विभाग की आधिकारिक वेबसाईट पोर्टल पर जाए).
Step 2
Solve the site simple mathematical captcha and Enter the state selection tab. (अब साइट के आसान से पहचान को भरके , अपने राज्य को चुनें जैसा की नीचे दिए गए फोटो मे दर्शाया गया है।)
Step 3
Now select the following option: R7 Financial Progress. (अब इमेज मे दिखाई गई इमेज की तरह R7 Financial Progress के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करें )
Step 4
Select Financial Statement option, under the R7 Financial Progress bar.(खुले हुए पेज मे Financial Statement के विकल्प का चयन करे जो R7 के अंदर स्थित है। )
Step 5
After selecting the above option, your MIS Report is open here, as shown in the below image. (पिछले विकल्प के चुनाव के बाद आपकी नरेगा मिस रिपोर्ट खुल जाएगी जैसी की नीचे वाली इमेज मे दिखाया गया है।)
Here, we have successfully delivers what we have. We have simplified the hard process of checking the Mgnrega MIS Report into five simple steps.
If there is any feedback or suggestion, kindly comment and share the post with your friends. Check the Nrega wage list by clicking here.
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